They may not get the highest price, as they would from an investment bank-run auction, but they can sell with fine prospects of being both wealthy and in charge. 他们或许不会拿到最高的价格(相比投行操办的拍卖),但是他们可以得到既有钱又继续掌权的美好前景。
The Van Gogh achieved the highest price at auction for a work by the painter since 1998. 上述梵高作品的拍价是这位画家的作品自1998年以来在拍卖会上拍出的最高价。
The result is the raw material price has some reductions in comparison to the highest price of this year, but it is still a little higher than the price in our last quotation. 结果是原材料价格在今年的最高价相比有一些减少,但它仍然是比在我们的最后报价的价格高一点点。
There was no stringiness in it and he knew that it would bring the highest price in the market. 鱼肉里也没有筋,他晓得这拿到市场去可以卖到最好的价钱。
All goods are sorted by price, you can view the product list by lowest price or highest price order. 所有产品按价格分类,可以由低到高看或相反。
The dealer is not looking for a fixed price, but the highest price he can get& and the Iran price is constantly fluctuating depending on the price of oil. 卖家没有固定的价格,他能卖多贵就卖多贵&伊朗的价码也是浮动的,随石油的价格浮动。
Auctions would ensure individuals and businesses get the highest price for their paper. 拍卖将确保个人和企业获得证券的最高价格。
Shi-yuan Company must first evaluate the land value, and estimate the highest price the company can afford. 世源公司需要对B项目土地价值进行评价,并确定参与该项目摘牌所能承受的最高竞价。
A bushel at the Minneapolis Grain Exchange, the highest price paid in the US for any wheat variety. 在美国,这是所有小麦品种中价格最高的。
Acidity change law of halogen acid neither abides by the successive change law of the highest price oxyacid acidity for cognation nonmetal nor conformes to the vivacity successive change law of cognation nonmetal. 氢卤酸的酸性强弱规律既不满足同族非金属最高价含氧酸酸性递变规律,又不满足同族非金属活泼性变化规律。
That if we who paid the highest price possible. 如果我们付出了最大的代价。
The problems are particularly salient with basic grains such as rice and wheat that provide the staple food for many developing countries but in which there is a big international market where farmers can seek out the highest price. 大米与小麦等基本谷物的问题尤其显著。这些谷物是很多发展中国家的主食,但同时又有着很大的国际市场,使农民可以寻求最高价格。
What kind of product should we put into the cup, to best help us sell it for the highest price? 在这杯子放进什么商品才能卖到最高价呢?
Without any fee, the highest price the city's recovery, price is negotiable. 无任何手续费,全市最高价回收,价格面议。
What's the highest price? 最高价多少?
Global food prices reached an historical high this past February, surpassing the spike of2008, which was already the highest price peak in two decades. 今年二月全球粮食价格达到历史最高纪录,超过了创下二十年来最高粮价的2008年水平。
The increase in the economic welfare of consumers who are able to buy the product at a market price lower than the highest price that they are willing and able to pay for the product. 消费者用比他们为某商品愿意且能够支付的最高价格更低的市场价格购买该商品所获得的经济福利,即消费者愿意为某种商品或劳务支付的价格与该消费者实际付出的的价格的差额。
English auction is: given that the winning bidder's bid was simply more than the highest Price a little, so each person would immediately follow its estimated price offer. 英式拍卖的缺点是:既然获胜的竞买人的出价只需比前一个最高价高一点,那么每个竞买人都不愿马上按照其预估价出价。
Sugar rose to a three-year high; wheat reached its highest price since January and tin hit a six-month peak. 糖价升至3年来的高点;小麦创下自1月份以来的新高,锡达到了6个月以来的最高价。
It is the highest price fetched by an ex-Soviet state in a single privatisation. 上述出价是前苏联国家在单笔私有化交易中获得的最高价格。
It was the highest price paid at auction for a painting since the art market crashed in 1990. 这是自1990年艺术品行市暴跌以来富豪们在拍卖行购买绘画作品所付出的最高价格。
Though Huawei had offered the highest price in both instances, fears that US regulators would block the acquisitions on security grounds short-circuited the process. 尽管在这两宗竞购中,华为的出价都是最高的,但出售方担心美国监管部门会以国家安全为由阻止收购,因此拒绝了华为的收购意向。
The Carnival promises to fulfill your greatest wish, but charges the highest price for it. 狂欢节承诺兑现你最年夜的盼望,但要为此负担最高的代价。
The price reform will use of model of the highest price limit and price regulation. 深圳城市燃气价格改革采取最高限价模型和价格调节机制来实现。
For the stock of a Shanghai chemical plant, a comparison was done between the highest price, closing price, the GM ( 1.1) of the lowest price, the predicted value, and the actual value. 对于个股上海石化股价给出了最高价、收盘价、最低价的GM(11)预测值与实际值的比较。
Auction is a kind of transaction method of selling merchandise to the persons who can bid the highest price. 拍卖是出卖者通过公开叫价的方式,将物品卖给出价最高的购买者的一种交易形式。